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Monday, October 26, 2015

Two Elements of Digital Marketing That Contribute to a More Positive Customer Experience

Social Media

Meeting customers in their natural habitat to advance the relationship between your business and your customers will help to contribute to a more positive customer experience. Customers would rather complain about a negative experience to their network (friends and family) than businesses that render services or sell products. Social media has helped to amplify the reach and power of customers to
review products and share experiences with friends. If you understand this power of customers and have platforms on social media to attend to complaints and inquiries, you would have done yourself a greater good. You must also understand that customers will only give you attention in the first place when your content is inspiring, informative, and funny, thought provoking and introduces new things. In other words, your content has to be valuable to provoke customers’ attention.  Customers do not need to call customer service any more, all they need do now is to locate your pages on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, GOOGLE+ and FACEBOOK to register their complaints.

Email Marketing

This is a direct marketing tool that you can use to nurture the relationship between your brand and your customers. You need to consistently engage customers via email to keep your business in their consciousness. Inform them about new things the business is doing and how you would love them to be a great part of that experience. Constantly educate them through valuable content that will endear them to you. Don’t consistently badger your customers with only content that concern your business but also, you should bring to their knowledge, things that interest them. It could be about fashion trends, entertainment, product reviews, best places to shop online and offline. Through emails, you could ask your customers to appraise your business, products/services and your relationship with them.  If you run a tax/accounting firm, you might want to consider intimating your clients about changes in tax legislation that they can take advantage of or that could be to their detriment. If you run a supermarket, you can set up a process that takes cognizance of the kind of products customers buy narrowing it down to each customer so that you can send them new product information that serves their needs. But what you must understand is that for all these to work, you would have to have a mailing list. A mailing list in the digital age is a list of email addresses and I will love to add mobile phone numbers too. Encourage your customers to drop their email ads and mobile phone numbers through special discounts, sweep stakes or souvenirs. Inform them that they should expect emails from you and make sure you get their approvals too.  


Digital marketing keeps evolving as customers are the ones who determine what best method to reach them online. The importance of customer focus in developing digital marketing plans cannot be over-emphasized. Customers must be at the center of every plan else frustration would set in. Stay Informed !

For more information, email me at , Follow me on twitter @OdiameAjibade

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