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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Your Business Should Be Online

The internet has revolutionized the way the world interacts so much so that it is almost safe to say that people live online. It has changed definitions and reinvented things, brought about the creation of new things and destroyed whatever refused to align with it. It will be unwise to think that one can achieve much these days without the internet.

For the business person/entrepreneur, the internet is the new life wire. With it you can make your business (or mar it if not properly harnessed) and without it your business is not sure to exist in the foreseeable future. Businesses in Nigeria that have refused to move to the internet are either phased out today or nearing extinction… Think about it; every big player in the business of providing daily news in print, TV or Radio are online today and are being given a run for their money by bloggers who do not have as much structure as the big players. Boutique owners, merchants of electronics and other fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) have been dealt a heavy blow with the advent of online stores like Konga, Jumia and their ilk. Guess what, even sellers of perishable products like tomatoes are not left out with the advent of

There is nothing that cannot thrive on the internet. Think of anything in Nigeria that you believe cannot be sold online and I would show you how wrong you are. While it is true that a greater part of the population of Nigeria do not have access to internet, those who do hold tremendous power and can determine so much for your business. The internet affords people to sell things without necessarily holding stock. What most businesses on the internet sell is convenience. They save you so much time and stress. Now you can order anything online by the click of a button from breakfast/lunch/dinner to a vacation in Hawaii on your phone or laptop. Today, you can sit in the comfort of your home, pick items and quantity of grocery you would have gone to mile 12 or ojuwoye market in Mushin to buy, on a website and it gets delivered neatly to your doorstep. Are you thinking what I am thinking? Of course, you are! There is nothing you can’t achieve online. The internet has created endless opportunities for those who will think.

 So how do you put your business on the internet you ask?

These simple steps should help;

1.       Get a professional website: A website on the internet is to your business what a physical office/shop/warehouse/workshop is to your business. These days, people with access to an internet enabled device (phone, tab, laptop etc.) would first check you out through your website to determine if you have what they need and at the right price before they visit your physical location or order online. Your website is your business location on the internet and every other marketing activity you do online must point back to your website or a landing page where your leads can be converted. This is the most important part. Your business must have a face on the internet.

2.       Reach out to your customers where they hang out on the internet. A liquor seller will hang around bus parks, building sites or anywhere manual labour is going on and not around Ikeja City Mall. It will interest you to note that the proliferation of android phones in Nigeria means more power in the hands of your consumers and more people spending hours on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Instagram etc.). Identify where your clients/prospects/buyers spend most of their time online and establish your brand there. Engage them with valuable content that effectively communicates your interest in your audience. Add value to their lives by educating, informing and entertaining them and you would win their trust with time.

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